Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Spring is that time of the year when people like to do some “spring cleaning”. People often use the seasons as their queue to makes some changes of their own: changing up their wardrobes, work out routines, house work to do, activities, even what they like to eat (I’ll eat summer salads for dinner 5 days a week, no problem).

I take the concept of spring cleaning to a whole new level. I take the changing of the seasons as an opportunity and reminder to do one big clean sweep of everything in my life that is no longer useful and joyful.  I’m not talking about just cleaning the dust off the baseboards, but clean the dust and litter out of ALL areas of your life - the ideas that no longer apply to your future goals and dreams, the patterns of negative thinking that wear you down, the people that create needless drama or bring negative energy into your life, and of course the old faded clothes you can’t stand to look at in your closet. Get rid of them!

There are few things in life that are more satisfying then feeling FREE of old burdens. Here’s my spring cleaning list. Give it a try! It’s a great way to feel fresh and new and ready to enjoy the sunshine in peace and freedom.

Clean out your closets: Anything that you haven’t worn in 6 months needs to be donated to a local charity or organization (Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.). Go through your entire wardrobe item by item and ask yourself if you’ve worn this in 6 months, and if not, will I wear this in the next month? If not, it’s time to let it go. I find once I do this I feel as if I have more to wear because now the only clothes I see as I open my closet are things that I want to wear on any given day.  BONUS – you are making a donation to someone who may be in desperate need of a warm sweater or a pair of jeans.

Clean out the drama: This one may be difficult. Do you have any friends or acquaintances that really like to gossip about your other friends? How about someone who’s facebook status is constantly negative? What about someone who is emotionally draining? Do the people you surround yourself with build you up? Are they fun to talk to and positive about life? Are they trustworthy and genuine? If not, it may be time to re-evaluate some of your friendships.

As I got older (I’m really not that old, but you know what I mean), I let go of more and more people in my life. I am incredibly blessed to have a very small group of girl friends that I love so much. These girls I trust with my life. I laugh with them and cry with them. They have my back no matter what. Now that the group is small and I’m not wasting my energy on needless drama, I can really nurture my friendships and that brings me so much joy.

I also do a facebook “purge” every so often. I delete anyone who I wouldn’t say hi to on the street if I saw them. Why would I have somebody I met in a bar one night as someone I trust with all my personal information and photos? No way. Do you know all 778 people on your friends list personally? Would you say hi to them on the street and eagerly show them all your photos from your family vacation? Think about it…

Clean out your old patterns and thoughts: Lastly, take a minute to reflect on your goals and dreams. Are your current lifestyle choices aligned with where you see yourself in the future? Are you taking steps to make your goals happen? Are you on the right path? Set yourself up for success by taking the time to re-evaulate what you’re doing now and make any changes if neccessary.

This is also an opportune time to get rid of your past. Throw it out in the trash with your old faded cardigan! Are you still thinking about past situations that wounded you? Have you forgiven that person that broke your heart? Do you still feel guilty about that thing you did when you were 18? Let it go. Let it all go. It’s over and done with. There’s no room for old garbage in your bright and sunny present and future!

I challenge you to add these things to your spring cleaning list!

Enjoy the sunshine! J

Friday, April 15, 2011

About the journey...

My friends ofen warmly refer to me as "Planning Patty". I have been known for my meticulous organization skills and planning abilities. I've planned entire life situations (that haven't happened yet and sometimes don't end up happening) in my head down to every last detail. I tended to anticipate the possibilities of future disasters and then take immediate action to avoid them from happening (the fictional disasters I've thought up in my head that is). I have gone so far as to try to manipulate my current situation so that it will line up with the fairy tale ending I've thought up in my head already.

There is a an old saying that goes "it's all about the journey, not the desitination." Well, I never quite understood that. I wanted to arrive at what's next to come in my life and I wanted to get there as soon as possible with as few obstacles in my way as possible. I constantly strived to get to the finish line first. It terrified me when I felt like I haven't progressed at all. I needed constant change, growth, improvement. I coudn't sit still; I needed continual movement and stimulation (which I partially blame on being a Gemini). I've lived most of my life in anticipation for the future.  

After a series of unfortunate events, I was forced to slow down and take a look at my life choices and ways of thinking. I found myself in what some may call a rock-bottom situation. My perfectly planned fairy tale life fell apart and I was no longer in control (was I ever?). It had become so clear to me that I had to make a change because "my way" was not working to my benefit whatsoever. Although my heart was broken, this time in my life was truly a blessing, because I was given the opportunity to sit with myself and observe what made me ME and what brought me to that situation I was in...

And so I went on. I read a plethora of books, I've started going to church and building a relationship with God, I started writing in a journal, I nurtured my friendships, I meditated and did yoga, I talked to people that I admired and are living the way I aspired to,  I did anything and everything I could to bring awareness to myself and what choices I made in my life and why I may have made them. Through the whole process, it became quite clear to me where I was missing the mark. I finally understood what people were telling me to do for years, and that is to live in the present moment.

This blog is about accepting every day people, every day situations, every day obstacles and annoyances, and truly embracing them for what they are. It's about acceptance of what "is". It's about detaching from situations that are beyond our control. It's about viewing everything that happens to you in your life from the perspective of love. It's about keeping things in perspective and looking at the big picture. It's about having FAITH that God knows exactly what is going on here and His plans aren't meant to hurt us.  I'll never know it all, and I'll continue to grow and learn and change for the rest of my life, but I cant wait to share with you some of the things I've learned that have helped me a great deal, and share with you a bit of my new thoughts and discoveries while I carry on in my journey.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough troubles of its own." Matthew 6:24