One year ago today, I made a public declaration of my faith in Jesus Christ by being baptised. It was a choice I made for no one but myself, in obedience to what I felt the Lord had placed on my heart to do so. I will never forget the day, sunny without a cloud in the sky, surrounded by my closest friends. By taking this step to rid myself of my past once and for all, I felt so LIBERATED and free, and so excited to start a whole new chapter in my life.
It is exactly one year later today, and I can't begin to list the gigantic changes that have been in my life. I have been transformed in every possible way. I must clarify however - I am still very much ME, with all my quirks and failures and weaknesses, but, there is something remarkably DIFFERENT about myself that I cannot articulate at all. To be in line with God's will for your life is a peace that nothing else in this world can provide you. Lord knows (as do my good friends) that I am a planner, I like details and being organized and prepared. But once I found myself smack dab in the centre of God's will for my life, all my planning worries merely drifted away…as HE made the plans for me.
God's plans are perfect, through and through. My plans are messy, frustrating and complicated. God's plans are simple, easy, like a walk in the park on a sunny day. My plans are stressful, tense, and usually end in tears and arguments. Once I let go of MY plans for my life and let God write the script, the story unfolded gracefully and easily - like a fairy tale come true. You see there are certain things you cannot plan in life. The sooner you surrender your plans to the One who is in control the sooner you are on your way to peace and fulfillment.
I must disclose however - God's plans do not guarantee me a free ride, and a life of unicorns and rainbows. Oh no. Quite the opposite in some respects. But the peace of knowing you are finally in the right spot and right where He needs you to be far surpasses everything else YOU think will be fulfilling to you.
So on this one year anniversary, I just want to give a big HALLELUJAH to the One that set me free! And the least I could do on this special day is share the good news with others, in hopes they may find their way as well. :)
AMEN!!!! xo
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