He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice! That’s right friends; Santa Claus is coming to town. As the song says, we must be on our best behavior or you just might be on the naughty list this year and get a lump of coal and no presents! Yikes! What a terrifying thought! If that doesn’t strike fear within a child in order for them to behave, I’m not sure what would. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an adult equivalent to this theory? Something to strike enough fear into us to have us smarten up, straighten out, and prepare for a much-awaited gift? Well I’ve got good news for you… there is!
Although the Mayan’s believe the end of the world is happening on Friday, we can rest assured that Scripture provides otherwise. No one knows the exact date but the Father (Matthew 24:36) but there WILL come a glorious day of Christ’s return. Without diving into what this will all entail (read Revelations if you are curious), instead I thought I could pose this question – if children innocently prepare themselves for the joys of Santa’s gifts, why can’t we also prepare for our coming King? If the world as we know it is to end at some point, why are we not sensing the urgency of this remarkable event that is to take place? I’m not talking about stocking up on bottled water and generators. I’m talking about your life. Why are we not preparing ourselves to meet Him? Are you even remotely ready?
Maybe you are still spiritually searching and this all just sounds strange and scary; let me put it in a different context. Picture this: You are sitting at home in your pajamas enjoying a lazy day in front of the television. You get a phone call from a relative that happens to be in town, you haven’t them seen in years! They are excited to catch up, and wouldn't you know it - they happen to be in your neighbourhood!! They annouce that they will be over in 5 minutes – what do you? Well, if you are like most people who are met with unexpected company, that “5 minute warning” will queue you into warp-speed mode! You race around the house quickly cleaning, freshening up, making coffee, and making yourself presentable to your guest! So let me ask you this – if you somehow had a “5 minute warning” before your life as you know is going to change forever – what would you do with your precious time? How would you prepare yourself? I don’t know about you, but that thought does strike up a sense of urgency inside of me. Here’s what I would suggest that you do in your “5 minute warning” period:
1. Drop off your baggage: Don’t take your pain with you. What an awful feeling it would be to go through life harbouring feelings of guilt, shame, unforgiveness, and resentment. Seek forgiveness where you need to be forgiven. Forgive yourself. Forgive them. Forgive everyone, everything. Why carry these burdens with you? They weigh you down, they hold you back, they block your heart. Set yourself free. Let it go. Now.
“As smoking is to the lungs, so is resentment to the soul; even one puff is bad for you.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
2. Bring a road map: Are the days blending into each other? Are you waiting for your “big break” or some other major event to happen in order to feel live again? Take some time to soul-search your purpose in this life. What were you created to do, and why on earth are you not doing it right now? There is a bigger picture, and sometimes it takes tragedies for us to start thinking eternally. Don’t wait until disaster strikes to run to your Savior. I urge you to start the journey today.
“Being successful and fulfilling your life’s purpose are not at all the same thing. You can reach all your personal goals, become a raving success by the world's standard and still miss your purpose in this life.” – Rick Warren
3. Keep your eyes on the prize: Life can be cruel, unfair, savage. It’s a real war out there – between good and evil. Hold tightly to what is good and True. Stand firm in the faith and put on your battle gear. It was never promised to be easy. This isn’t Heaven after all.
“From start to finish, this movie is obviously about God. He is the main character. How is it possible that we live as though it is about us?” – Francis Chan
Life is not about how many items you can check of your proverbial bucket list. It’s not about how good of a person you are compared to other people. It’s about so much more. And if you miss that, you miss life. There is unspeakable joy and freedom found in our Lord. Through healing your wounds and living a fulfilled life with direction and purpose, your joy will overflow. And joy is something that should extend far beyond the holiday season. Your 5 minute warning period has already started. Company is coming, and He’s got gifts far better than anything you put on your wish list this year. Get ready.
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near – Revelation 1:3
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